A YEAR of fundraising has culminated in a poignant donation by the Hook and Odiham Lions Club.

The Lions donated £2,600 to the Basing Unit at Basingstoke hospital. The donation will go towards equipment for a new 10-bed ward at the hospital, next to the Basing Unit, for the treatment of certain cancers.

The money was donated in memory of Linda Baker - the wife of the Lions' fundraising chairman Paul Baker - who was treated at the Basing Unit before she died two years ago.

Mr Baker said: "This is the first time the Hook and Odiham Lions have donated to this charity, and I felt I wanted to repay the unit in some way.

"Anyone coming from the Hook or Odiham area, who has leukaemia or lymphoma, would come here to be treated."

The new unit, due to be completed by the end of the year, will enable patients to receive treatment that they currently have to travel to Southampton General Hospital for.

It will also provide over-night beds for patients, instead of them having to go to other wards at the hospital.

Dr Alison Milne, from the haematology department at Basingstoke hospital, said: "The new ward will be an in-patient unit so patients can stay, and there will be many advantages of having the two wards next door to each other.

"The Lions have raised money specifically for equipment, and it is greatly appreciated."

The money was raised throughout the Lions' year, which runs from July to July, from events including the annual duck race, fetes and selling Easter eggs.

This year's duck race, in aid of the National Children's Home and Dogs For The Disabled, is taking place on Saturday, September 4.

The race will be held in the stream next to the Crooked Billet pub on the A30, just outside Hook, and will see more than 2,000 plastic ducks thrashing it out to be the first across the finish line.

If you would like to sponsor a duck, call Mr Baker on 01252 845142.