CHILDCARE is on the increase and the Southampton Early Years Development and Childcare Team will be on the lookout for new recruits at The Southern Daily Echo Job Scene Roadshow taking place at The Guildhall on May 20.

Changes in the labour market mean that there are more women in the workplace with dependent children.

In spring 2002, 52 per cent of women were working either full-time or part-time with their youngest dependent child under the age of five, and 70 per cent of women were working with their youngest child aged between five and ten.

With these statistics set to increase, there has been more emphasis by the government on the role of childcare and education in raising educational standards and enhancing children's social development.

The city council's Early Years Development and Childcare Team develops and supports a range of childcare in the city of Southampton and will be at the roadshow promoting a list of vacancies in preschools, day nurseries, play groups and out-of-school clubs plus information on the range of training required for working in childcare and how to become registered as a childminder.

Chris Talbot, Early Years and Childcare co-ordinator, said: "The childcare profession is an expanding profession and there are opportunities for working as a childminder in a pre-school, play group, day nursery and afterschool clubs.

"We will be offering information and advice on training as well as the current job vacancy list.

"We welcome all enquiries, especially from minority ethnic groups, people over 40, disabled people and men who are currently under represented in our workforce.

"We exhibit at the roadshow as it is a major recruitment event in the city and we look forward to talking to anyone who is interested in working in this demanding and rewarding field."

Other exhibitors at the event represent a diversity of industries.

Other organisations on display include Abbey, Atlantic Housing Group, B&Q plc, Barclays, British Gas, Care At Home, CITB, Holiday Inn, Inland Revenue, Local NHS in Partnership, Skandia Life, South West Trains and many more.

Anyone wanting more information about exhibiting should contact Kat Lovatt on 01823 250930 or by e-mail