Several hundred residents enjoyed a picnic and fete in the school field at Winnall Primary, Winchester, to say goodbye and thanks to Chris Pines, a teacher there for 32 years.

Parents, who had attended the school and whose children were now pupils, brought grandparents, toddlers in push chairs and babes in arms for a real community event

Former colleagues, including Ken Brown, the head who appointed hims, were also there while others attended because they were associated with community organisations which Chris has helped as a city councillor for 24 years.

The celebration had been organised secretly by staff who knew that he would not want a formal event, and they were right.

"This is exactly how I would expect this special community of Winnall to come together. What a terrific way to mark my retirement with so many of my friends having fun," said Chris, clutching handfuls of cards as the presents piled up.