IT HAS been branded a waste of money, but thousands of Winchester people are being asked their views on the future of council housing.

The city council is spending about £50,000 consulting 6,000 households as to who should provide their homes, but the exercise has been derided as a "jamboree that no one came to."

It echoes a consultation six years ago when the city council strongly promoted selling the homes to an outside body. In a ballot in October 1998 the tenants rejected the proposal by a ratio of four votes to one.

This time the Liberal Democrat-controlled council says it is not pressing for support to dispose of the houses, just outlining the options.

The choices include staying with the council, or transferring to an arms-length management organisation or housing association.

The Daily Echo today spoke to tenants who were against any change.

Roger Bevan, of Fairdown Close, Winnall, said: "Any change would lead to rents going up. I'm happy to stay with the council."

Brian Winkworth, of Stanmore Lane, Stanmore, agreed: "I'm against moving to a housing association. They're a rip-off. Rents would go up."

So far 600 replies to questionnaires have been returned, 16 people attended a drop-in session and four people attended a public meeting

More people are expected at a public meeting for Highcliffe tomorrow night and in Stanmore next Tuesday.

Labour councillors have branded the exercise a waste of money. Councillor Patrick Davies, group leader, said: "These meetings must be costing a fortune. It was a jamboree that nobody came to at the Guildhall."

But Councillor Dominic Hiscock, portfolio holder for housing, said councils must consider different models of ownership and management to raise money for improvement work.

What do you think? Call our Winchester office on 01962 854 355 or e-mail Andrew Napier using the link above.