Sir.-As one of the sacked Basingstoke firefighters, I wish to respond to Phil Heath's comments in last Monday's Gazette.

He needs to understand that even Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Fire Authority need to abide by the laws of the land.

We were cleared in June 2003 of the charges that HFRS/FA sacked us over - charges they and they alone brought.

We were then cleared by the Secretary of State by an independent person with legal training who received all the transcripts - so we did not get off on a technicality.

HFRS/FA had 90 days to appeal this decision - they did not. We lodged our own judicial review as HFRS/FA chose to ignore the ruling of the Secretary of State and not re-employ us.

In February, Mr Justice Elias upheld the Secretary of State's decision to re-employ us and told HFRS/ FA not to appeal as they had no case in law. They did appeal and lost. This decision has been endorsed by three High Court judges.

Now, 12 months after the original decision, HFRS/FA decide they wish to challenge the Secretary of State. Having been told on July 12 that they have been refused because they are "way out of time", they still pursue a hopeless case which can only be described as a gross misuse of public funds.

Mr Heath refers to well-documented evidence. We have to ask why wasn't it produced in 1999 when we were first suspended, or since?

The facts remain - we were sacked for allegedly sending one officer to coventry. We have all been cleared of that charge.

Stop this persecution and accept the decision of the Secretary of State, four High Court judges and the law of this land. We are innocent and entitled to our jobs back.

-Stephen Dunbar, Basingstoke.