Sir.-I am unhappy at the new parking restrictions around Fairfields Road, Jubilee Road and Council Road in Basingstoke.

These prohibit public parking at all on Saturdays and Sundays and after 5pm during the week.

I am a member of the Waverley Tennis Club in Fairfields Road and will, therefore, no longer be able to park anywhere near the club except weekdays from 9am to 5pm for two hours.

Basingstoke council tells me it is in order to give residents more parking. But most of the houses have driveways and, during this last weekend, I saw a high percentage of the parking areas were empty.

If anyone else is upset by this latest restriction, contact the council, as I am told they will monitor this over the next few months.

-Name and address withheld.

Sir.-I'm sure the parking changes around All Saints Church are of great help to the residents of Council Road and Southern Road.

However, due to this, my Brownie pack now has the added cost of my car park ticket of at least £1 a week. Also, they will need to cover the cost of visitors' tickets - if our parents can find anywhere to park for to drop the girls off. This week, several arrived late after trying to find a legal place to stop.

We have three units that meet in that area during the week, starting before 7pm. Therefore, all of us now have an extra expense.

Secondly, may I request that the residents who use these spaces come to the car park on a Sunday morning and help our older members of the church to the door as they now have further to walk?

And don't forget your umbrellas when the weather turns nasty!

-Viv Martin, Brownie Guider, address supplied.