Sir.-I think it is sad that the annual Civic Service, in St Michael's Church, Basingstoke, is now almost a non-event, with very few of the current councillors attending.

In the past it was always special with the aldermen (the senior members of the council), in their scarlet robes, and the recently-elected councillors escorting the mayor, also resplendent in robes and cocked hat, from the council chamber to the church.

At the end of the service, the procession, led by the town brass band, was joined by contingents from the army, navy and air force, the fire service, Royal British Legion, Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Cubs who would all march through Basingstoke, past the town hall, where the mayor would be waiting to take the salute.

My son Chris reinstated this during his mayoral year but, unfortunately, subsequent mayors have not kept up the tradition.

Maybe encouraging the residents to take pride in their town might lessen the amount of graffiti and litter now seen everywhere.

-Mrs Margaret Evans, Flaxfield Road, Basingstoke.

Sir.-In my position as Freeman of Basingstoke and Deane, I attended the mayor's Civic Service at St Michael's Church.

It was well-attended by the public. However, there was only a small number of councillors present.

It was my understanding that councillors always supported the mayor on civic occasions such as this. But this seems not to be the case, as there were fewer than 10 present in the congregation - 10 out of 60 was a very poor showing.

-Betty Holmes, Little Basing, Basingstoke.