UP to 150 residents will return to their battle with housing chiefs over plans for a pair of affordable homes in Wickham.

The long-running row over whether two semi-detached homes can be built on a plot of land in Buddens Road comes back before Winchester planners on Wednesday.

The woman fronting the campaign against the plans is furious that they look likely to get the go-ahead despite a host of problems.

The application, by Winchester Housing Trust, is being recommended for approval after a site visit and a revision of the plans.

But Jenny Hollis is to speak out at the meeting on behalf of her parents Joan and Alf Stubbington, whose home adjoins the site, and dozens of other residents.

Jenny is angry that her father was refused permission for a wheelchair ramp on the same spot.

She claims the properties are too large for the plot and would cause damage to neighbours' homes and historic trees on the site.

Protesters have spent hundreds of pounds of their own money on a building surveyor and tree surgeon.

Wickham Parish Council and more than 100 residents wrote to planners protesting against the application.

Their concerns centre on privacy, parking, congestion, loss of light and privacy and noise.

Mrs Hollis, also of Buddens Road, said: "This is a terrible plan.

"We're all quite willing to have affordable housing on the site, but it needs a major rethink.

"If the homes covered a smaller area with the bathrooms at the side it would have all our co-operation.

"It's incredible that they are pushing this through. We are so worried that it is a foregone conclusion, but we will battle on. We feel that they have already made their minds up.

"We don't understand why this is being pushed through when there is so much wrong with it.

"With a few changes it would be quite acceptable to us. The only reason I can think of is profit."

Council officers and planners who have studied the site could find no reason not to build on the plot, owned by the city council.

A report concludes that there is a significant need for three-bedroom affordable housing in the area and the site is suitable for two homes.

A previous application for a two-storey block of one-bedroom flats was refused last year.