Winchester Farmers' Market has been so popular it is set to be held fortnightly next year.

Managers are negotiating with the city council to double the number of markets held in 2005, the Daily Echo can reveal.

The market, held in Middle Brook Street and the Middle Brook Street car park, attracts more than 10-12,000 people every month and is believed to be the most successful in the country.

It regularly features in the national press and on television, such as Rick Stein's Food Heroes.

The prospect is a testament to the success of the markets and boost they give to some 150 local producers since they started in the late 1990s.

Mike Smales, chairman of Hampshire farmers' markets, confirmed the discussions were taking place with the city council, which owns the car park.

He said the market was becoming a victim of its own success with shoppers travelling from Essex, Suffolk and South Wales to attend.

"Ten per cent of customers are coming more than 40 miles. They get here at 11am and can't find anywhere to park.

"From 10.30am it is manic. It is almost too busy to buy things because of the sheer volume of people."

Mr Smales said that by holding the event every two weeks the pressure on parking could be eased.

"The Winchester market does have a good atmosphere and does good business. This is quite exciting. It is our jewel in the crown."

Mr Smales said that should the Winchester market go fortnightly, then there would have to be juggling with other markets.

He stressed that no changes would be made this year.

The pressure on space made it impossible to move the Winchester market to any day other than Sunday.

Traders at yesterday's Winchester market had mixed feelings about the proposals.

Rob Bookham, on the Bookham Cheese stall, said: "It's important that the market stays a good event. My fear is that going twice-monthly might dilute that.

"I would rather come here once a month and do exceptionally well than twice a month and just do okay.

"However, if any market can succeed twice a month it's going to be this one.

"It is so popular, we even had an American lady here today who now times her two or three visits to the UK a year to coincide with the Winchester markets."

David Doble, on the Ashmore Farmhouse Cheese Makers stall, said: "I think that it will be a good thing if it happens but you have to remember that another market held somewhere else on a Sunday will suffer.

"We can't possibly expect two markets a month to be twice as good as once."

Robin Cooper, director of development services, said the council was keen to support the markets.