SCHOOL is out, but there is plenty of homework to be done at the Basingstoke Consortium before the new autumn term starts.

Jayne Fowler is the project manager charged with rolling out a pilot scheme in Basingstoke for Enterprise Placements which, if successful, will be a nationwide programme for teenagers.

The Consortium has won £150,000 in funding for the scheme and needs to find 150 enterprise placements for students by the autumn, ready for the project to be activated next February. Mrs Fowler has almost reached the halfway mark, with 60 places so far.

Enterprise Placements go a stage further than the normal work experience that firms are asked to give students. The scheme is aimed at giving opportunities for management shadowing to high academic achievers, with a flair for business.

Mrs Fowler said: "We've been talking to individual businesses and keep hearing about the shortage of skills in the workplace. This is an opportunity for businesses to mould the workforce of tomorrow."

She is specifically looking for placements for the 14 to 15-year-old age group and said: "This isn't just an opportunity for school pupils. It's a brand-new pilot scheme.

"Basingstoke is home to small enterprise companies through to multi-nationals and we want everybody to be involved to make this a major success.

"It is important to have the best quality of work experience and I'm sure Basingstoke is the town to deliver this."

Julie Standen, the chief executive of the Consortium, said: "We're very excited about this programme because we'll be setting the standard for national good practice."

The spin-off for employers is that they will have an active role in bringing about a more capable workforce for the future success of commerce.

Participating companies will be asked to plan a two-week programme of work that gives students a range of experiences. They will have to agree with the student what the focus of the placement will be and organise supervision and mentoring.

At the end of the placement there will be an evaluation on its success and the culmination will be an awards ceremony to showcase the success of business and education working together.

The schools involved in the pilot scheme are Cranbourne, Costello, Fort Hill, John Hunt, Aldworth and The Vyne.

Companies who have so far agreed to be involved include George Wimpey, Merit Recruitment, Index Plastics, Festival Place management, CORGI, Bradford and Bingley Poulters, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Oakley Hall, Amec, ASDA, Audleys Wood hotel, Tenon, the Hanover International hotel and Four Square.

The North Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry is backing the work of the Basingstoke Consortium and is carrying out an e-mailshot to all its members, urging businesses to get on board.

Business representatives wanting to find out more can contact Mrs Fowler on 01256 840710 or e-mail