A Southampton ambulanceman saved the life of a suicidal man who threatened to jump off the Itchen Bridge.

Glenn Davies has received a commendation award from Hampshire Ambulance Serv-ice for saving the life of the man who later thanked him.

The drama happened in the pouring rain at about midnight last May 20.

Glenn, 45, and a father-of-one, was part of an ambulance crew driving over the bridge when he spotted the man standing on the parapet, clinging to a lamppost. He was on the wrong side of the railings.

The ambulance crew pulled up and Glenn attempted to talk the man down while his crew mate called the police who were on the scene in seconds.

Glenn said: "I reached out my hand to him and said 'Don't do it. It's not worth it. We can talk. I've got all night if you like'. But he said 'nobody can help me'.

"He was soaking wet with the rain, shouting and abusive. It got to the stage where he was going to go. So I grabbed hold of his knees while a police officer got hold of him from behind his back and we dragged him off the lamppost.

"There was a bit of a struggle before he was handcuffed."

The suicidal man told the ambulance crew who drove him to a nearby police station he would have jumped off the bridge.

But as he went into the station, he turned to Glenn and said: "Thanks mate".

Glenn, who is based at East Park Terrace ambulance station in Southampton, said: "It was a bit scary. My heart was in my mouth."

Presenting the award at a board meeting of Hampshire Ambulance Trust, chairman, Tony Barron, said: "This type of bravery is typical of our staff.

"Their dedication and commitment is tremendous."