AN Eastleigh landowner is facing his fifth major clean-up operation in ten months after being targeted again by fly-tippers.

Building site rubbish was dumped on Ralph Hallett's plot near Eastleigh and District Fishing Club off Stoneham Lane.

The debris was discovered by Mr Hallett's tenant, Charles Kilpatrick, who lives in a caravan on the land.

The Daily Echo reported how the retired Stoneham Lane resident was left to foot the bill after a huge mound of bricks and rubble was left on the same site back in April.

Councils are duty bound to clear rubbish from public land but landowners have the responsibility to clean up their own plots.

Mr Hallett said: "I am fed up to the back teeth with it. I feel terrible. They've dumped about two tonnes of slates, concrete, bricks - you name it - in the same spot. Why does it keep happening to me? It costs a fortune to get cleared up. It's ridiculous."

Mr Kilpatrick, 62, added: "I went out at 9.30am and there was nothing there. About an hour later I took the dogs for a walk and the stuff had been dumped.

"They should be prosecuted. Someone needs to take their vehicles away, then they suffer instantly and might think twice about doing it again. Fines will never work."

Mr Hallett has reported the fly-tipping to police, who have pledged to pass details on to the Environment Agency.

He said: "They want nothing to do with it. I still think something needs to be done about this. People shouldn't be expected to cope alone."

A spokesman for Eastleigh police said: "We cannot do anything unless we know who did it and have evidence to take any action. Without that our hands are tied. But we will always investigate and act upon information we receive so we are relying on the public to keep us informed. If anyone witnesses fly-tipping, please contact us with as much information as possible."