SHE used to be in control of accounts worth hundreds of millions of pounds.

Yet the one-time Swiss banker is more at home doing what she does best of all now - patching up scratched cars in Southampton.

Ruth Leu made the remarkable career change by turning her back on the City of London to get her hands dirty carrying out minor body repairs with her company, The SMART Squad.

She said: "I love my new job as I have far more chance to be with people. It's great. I wanted a change and I was looking around for a business that I could run myself and this seemed ideal.

"It is hard physical work but it is satisfying when you see a finished result and the customer is pleased with the repairs I have done."

Ruth, who lives in Bitterne, Southampton, with her husband, admits there have been huge changes in her life.

However, the 48-year-old, who has dual nationality and speaks four European languages, does not regret giving up her job as a senior account analyst with a credit portfolio of about £500m. She said: "I was used to dealing with those huge sums and after a while you don't really see it as working with millions of pounds.

"Now I don't have responsibility for so much but I am responsible for the success of my own company - and that can be really scary.

"I had been in banking for about ten years. After I got married I carried on with it for another two years - staying in London during the week and travelling down to Southampton at the weekend. I wasn't enjoying it and I wanted to be my own boss."

Ruth carries out many of the repairs at the customer's home or workplace and she likes nothing more than getting her hands dirty.

"I'm really glad I made the change - I am a bit of a perfectionist and I enjoy making the cars look better and saving my customers money."

For more details call Ruth on 07736 063706.