LAST Sunday: At the last Family and School Service of the term in Rotherwick Church, two new hand-stitched kneelers were dedicated and blessed by the Rev Anthony Chambers at the 10.30am service in memory of Bill and Margaret Whistler.

The kneelers feature the seal of the Scouts and the Royal British Legion, two organisations that were dear to the Whistlers' hearts and who benefited from their support.

Their children, Sue and Richard, carry on their good work here in the village and were to be present for their parents' memorial, recovering from all their green-fingered efforts to open their garden for charity!

TENNIS tournament: Aces were flying right and left recently at the annual Rotherwick Tennis Club Tournament at the club court, up at the playing fields, and the private court courtesy of Mr and Mrs Peter Willett - a semi-finalist himself!

Not many tournaments can boast an age range of 74 years, with our oldest competitor 86 and youngest 12, both of whom made it to the semis and one to the final.

Congratulations to the new men's and ladies' champions - organiser Charles James of Wedmans Lane and Pam Chadwick of Hook.

Special mention must also be made of 12-year-old Alex Allum, competing for the first time as a "lady" player and making it all the way to a hard-fought final!

Many thanks to Barbara and John Platt for hosting the BBQ afterwards. We are always looking for new members to swell our ranks (and talent pool!), so do give Quentin Sharp a call on 762912.