FLORAL society: At the start of the meeting on July 2, the chairman thanked May Gosling and her husband for hosting the barbecue in June.

Many members had a lovely evening with delicious food.

The chairman then handed over to Mrs Mavis Meachen, who started her demonstration with a wire construction resembling New York skyscrapers topped by a yellow floral arrangement for the Statue of Liberty.

The scene moved across to the Rockies and then to a desert area represented by twisted ivy and a few orange gerberas.

The finale came with dark red roses and anthuriums with playing cards for Las Vegas.

The vote of thanks was given by Doreen Tosswill, and the flowers went as prizes in the raffle.

The next meeting will be on September 3.

PARISH council meeting: On Monday, at 7.30pm, in the village hall.

Agendas for the proceedings are already on village notice boards.

WEDNESDAY Lunch Club: There was a lively meeting on July 7, when Lindy brought her mother Valerie along, and there was an interesting discussion about life on farms in different parts of the world.

Lindy had brought some left-overs from the church jumble sale, and wishes to thank whoever made the lovely hand-knitted jumpers, which are much appreciated by members.

Thanks go to two volunteers, Pat and Val, who have taken over kitchen duties.

Any enquiries should be made to 882161.