ONE of the proudest women on Southampton Common was Sue White wearing the No 1 shirt.

Along with TV gardening expert Charlie Dimmock, Sue got the Southampton event underway - and she admitted she found the experience very moving.

Sue has fought her own battle with cancer and when she was asked to help start the race she jumped at the chance.

"It has been a wonderful experience. I was really moved by the whole experience.

"I didn't know if I would be able to run the whole course but I had my sister Kim at my side and she helped keep me going.

"Every time I felt like slowing down she kept me running - it was great having her there at my side.

"As we turned onto the Avenue it was really quite emotional - there was just a sea of women and they were all running to raise money for Cancer Research.

"I really was overwhelmed by the whole thing - I am just so glad I was able to take part," she said.

Sue discovered she had breast cancer in 2000 and her husband Bob has been a

constant source of support to her

throughout the cancer treatment and her recovery.

And, of course, Bob was there to cheer her on as she completed the 5km course.

See tonight's Daily Echo for our 20-page Race for Life special with loads of pictures and a list of every participant.

Log on to to order pictures or see the unpublished photographs.