ADVERTS encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds to apply to become magistrates are to feature on buses in Basingstoke.

The adverts are part of a national £3.3million drive to boost magistrate numbers in England and Wales by encouraging younger people, those from a more diverse background and the disabled to take up the role.

At present, there are 774 magistrates in Hampshire - but only 15 are from black and ethnic minority communities, and just 18 are under the age of 40.

The Government hopes that the campaign will attract 3,000 additional magistrates to the job during the next three years.

Christopher Leslie, the Courts Minister, told The Gazette: "We are looking to recruit more local people to reflect the character of the local community. What we want to get across is that anybody who meets the criteria can be a magistrate, and we want to encourage a whole range of people to apply."

To become a magistrate, applicants must demonstrate social awareness, integrity, listening and communication skills, the ability to relate to others, sound judgement and commitment. No legal or professional qualifications are required.

Mr Leslie said: "Magistrates have to serve the whole of the community in order for them to raise public confidence in the justice system.

"Sitting in Whitehall, I can't know all about the various issues in Hampshire, so we have to make sure there is a connection between those handing out sentences and people such as witnesses and victims."

He added: "It is ultimately a service to the community, and we are asking people to volunteer their time and effort.

"A lot of people who are magistrates find that it is a rewarding experience and many employers respect the extra skills magistrates bring."

If you would like more information about becoming a magistrate, call the free recruitment hotline on 0800 003 007.