THE jitterbug was alive at Marwell Zoological Park near Winchester as a special event aimed at commemorating the Second World War took place at the park.

Elderly visitors could be forgiven for thinking they had stepped back in time as the 1940s were relived across the zoo, normally famous for its endangered breeding programmes.

Marwell has a little-known connection with the events of the Second World War when it was used as a headquarters for a nearby secret airfield.

The day was made as authentic as possible after members of the Guild of Historical Interpreters took to the paths in full authentic dress and demonstrated some of the occupations in that period.

The site was filled with war vehicles, cream teas and 1940's style-dancing while buses were used to ferry people around the park to see the war vehicles and entertainment.

A spokesman from the park said: "It's marvellous that people remember Marwell in its pre-zoo day.

"People are dancing outside the hall to the music of the 40s which is lovely."