MORE than one hundred applications have been made to our fantastic Make it Happen cash give-away.

It's not too late for you to claim a share of £10,000. All you need is a great idea that will improve the lives of people in your community and make your neighbourhood a better place to live.

The applications so far have come from all sorts of people, from all over the Daily Echo patch.

We've heard from youth clubs, charities, individuals, old people's homes and pre-schools - all trying to make a big difference with a little bit of cash.

The Daily Echo has teamed up with Combined Insurance to offer our readers this great opportunity to apply for a share of the money.

The Kingston-upon-Thames based insurance company has customers from across Hampshire, including lots in Southampton. Clive Robinson, managing director at Combined Insurance, said: "We are delighted readers of the Daily Echo have responded so enthusiastically to the Make It Happen initiative.

"We are looking forward to seeing more entries from the local community.

"We are surprised at the range and variety of applications that we have received. It's going to be a very tough job to judge them all."

Don't miss your chance to make things happen. Simply fill in the form printed in today's Daily Echo.