A MOTHER is calling for better facilities at her local playground, claiming it is inadequate and unexciting.

Denise Wray has collected almost 150 signatures on a petition to improve the play area used by children living in Sturminster House in Irving Road, Maybush.

A mini-football pitch and basketball court were built at the flats two years ago but are only suitable for children over the age of six. Younger children have to make do with nothing more than two baby swings, two rockers and a climbing frame which has lost its slide.

Sturminster House has 120 flats and dozens of children under the age of six.

Miss Wray, who has a two-year-old son Casey, said the park is not good enough.

"A couple of swings, two baby rockers and a ramp without a slide - that's it. That's all that is in the park - if you can call it a park.

"We have been told again and again that it is going to be renewed, but nothing happens.

"So I spoke to some of the mums and started a petition.

"We want better facilities.

"I am bound to be in the tower block for years to come and I feel the park should be a lot better equipped for the younger children.

"I would like something done as soon as possible so my son will be able to use it before he gets too old.

"We have no gardens or balconies so the children can't get fresh air unless we take them out to the parks. There are other parks in the area but we feel we should be able to take them to our park."

Miss Wray is hoping to collect as many as 300 signatures before she takes the petition to the City Council.

Martin Chase, play services officer for Southampton City Council, said: "A new neighbourhood warden in the area will be carrying out a consultation with residents to find out what people want us to spend money on.

"It is hopeful that a lot of resources can be used on the play area."