THE lights have gone out on Andover's last major cultural venue - leaving the town without a community theatre.

The future of Cricklade Theatre now looks increasingly bleak after the college's funding body, the Learning Skills Council (LSC), announced the cash it provides can no longer be used to pay for a community theatre.

Cricklade's auditorium closed this week until September for essential refurbishment work, but looks unlikely to open its doors to a theatre-going public again.

The shock news has left community users of the theatre reeling.

Richard Ryder, of the Andover Music Club, said: "I'm very unhappy how this news has come out with no prior warning.

"We have just reached our 58th season and now have over 200 members. We are going to have a real problem finding another venue."

Cricklade College has subsidised the theatre from its learner income since 1993 and says new facilities are being built for its performing arts students with money from the LSC.

Despite Test Valley Borough Council showing an interest in saving the theatre, no solution has yet been found.

Leader of the council, Cllr Ian Carr, said: "Improving cultural facilities for people in Test Valley is one of the council's priorities.

"Cricklade Theatre is an important part of the cultural life of Andover and I was very concerned to hear that its long-term future could be in question. I am keen to help the college identify how to maintain this valuable facility for the town."

The theatre's regular users are now desperately searching for other venues if the venue can't be saved.

The five members of staff who make up the theatre team received redundancy letters from Cricklade College this week.

Part-time administrative assistant Sharon Vennall, who has been given three months notice by the college, says she is bitterly disappointed that Test Valley Borough Council hasn't stepped in to safeguard the future of performing arts in Andover.

She said: "This was sprung on us, but I understand that the college can't spend money for learners on a community theatre.

"I just can't see why the council can't take it on. I don't know why the council officers are sitting up there saying 'let's have another statue or something people can't use'.

"We've seen sell-out shows at the theatre in the last year and a lot of our users think it's disgusting that Andover no longer has a theatre."

Charlotte Price, a pensioner from Admirals Way who used to enjoy regular trips to Cricklade Theatre, told the Andover Advertiser she is now left with nowhere to go.

The 78-year-old said: "I enjoyed going to the theatre so much, it was a real treat for me. We haven't all got cars to go to other places.

"The theatre has gone the same way as the cinema and there's nothing for people to do here anymore."