A HAMPSHIRE councillor has more than made amends for his gaff which caused uproar among a children's motor cycle team.

Last night millions of TV viewers watched as every single member of the The Tigers display team rode over Steve Broomfield as he laid on the ground at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park, near Petersfield.

It was shown on Channel 4's Richard and Judy Show, which also featured an interview with former US President Bill Clinton.

Councillor Steve Broomfield quit the West End Carnival Committee after a foul mouthed tirade against Tigers Display team was accidentally broadcast over the public address team, as revealed in the Daily Echo.

Cllr Broomfield said: "Richard and Judy's research team contacted me to ask if I would like to do a jocular piece to make amends with The Tigers.

"I have made amends and they have accepted my apology and I am now on very good terms with them."

Agreeing to carry out the spectacular film shoot obviously helped.

Then the councillor described how he lay on the ground and a board was put across his body.

He said: "Then about 20 Tigers rode across my body on their motorbikes. It was rather nerve wracking. It lasted about five minutes but it seemed like three hours."

The gaff over the PA system left dozens of parents shocked and youngsters in the display team distraught.

Cllr Broomfield quit his role on the carnival committee which he had served for ten years and apologised.