In a beautifully constructed show featuring poems, letters, prose and prayers, three superb professionals explored the endless aspects of love.

Using a convincing variety of accents, Isla Blair and Julian Glover ranged from the classic balcony lovers of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, ("parting is such sweet sorrow"), John Betjeman's deliciously childish Indoor Games Near Newbury ("oh Wendy!") and Adrian Henri's realistically quirky Love is ... ("when you have to leave at dawn"), to the eternal persuasion of Andrew Marvell's To His Coy Mistress ("had we but world enough and time, this coyness Lady were no crime").

Stefan Bednarczyk joined in the fun, playing accomplished piano, and suavely delivering songs by Noel Coward and Cole Porter with immaculate timing, humour and panache.

From immortal Shakespearean sonnets - Shall I Compare Thee - to Brian Patten's modern humorous Hair Today, No Her Tomorrow, this is a rich exploration of the human compulsion to love and marry, hate and leave.

Winchester Festival runs until July 18.