THEY may be all different ages, shapes and sizes - but that doesn't stop this group of women from striding out for charity.

A total of 30 women - all members of Weight Watchers groups in the Totton area - are donning pink hats and wigs and taking part in Race For Life next Sunday, July 18.

They are members of groups run by Katie Hogben, who started holding Weight Watchers classes after she shed an amazing six stone.

This is the first year that 33-year-old Katie will be taking part in the event on Southampton Common. Previously she had always been too ashamed of her weight.

"I'm really looking forward to it. The girls have really pulled together. As a company we have had a lot of leaders who have had cancer during the past year and there are two in Southampton alone," said Katie, who lives in School Road, Fawley.

Her husband Paul's mother also died from the disease. "Everybody seems to know somebody who has had cancer," she said.

So far the group estimate they have collectively raised just short of £1,000 - but but are hoping that more donations will roll in.

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up to this year's event.

Race For Life spokesman Karina Morgan said: "There are only 200 places left now. There were just over 5,000 running in Southampton last year and for it to almost double, we are really really pleased."

Karina is still on the lookout for volunteers to hand out water, medals and goodies for people as they cross the line. If you can help, contact Karina on 07778 215 958.

WILL you be taking part in this year's Race For Life? Do you have a special reason for signing up? Will you be part of a team of friends and workmates?

We are keen to feature as many of the teams taking part as possible in the run-up to the event - please contact Jenny Makin on 023 8042 4520.