SCHOOL fete: Tomorrow, from noon until 3pm, Bramley School will hold a fete, and the theme is Olympic sports.

Displays include country dancing, karate and singing by the school choir.

There will be a large number of stalls and a special attraction of an RAF Chinook helicopter.

The next big project at the school is to develop part of the old field into an exciting environmental area.

Please come to the fete and give them your support.

OPEN gardens: On Sunday, there will be seven Bramley gardens open to the public from 2pm to 4.30pm.

Middle Farm Cottage, Lowen and Meadow View in The Street, Ringshall Gardens, 8 and 9 Longbridge Road and 3 Forge Close will be on view for a combined charge of £2.50, or £1 for any one of them.

For more information, call 881691.

BRAMLEY Cricket Club: They will be playing Whiteditch Wanderers at home on Sunday, at the Clift Meadow, starting at 2.30pm.

The club always welcomes new members.

Contact Nigel on 882909.

NATIONAL Women's Register: Met on June 17, at the Granary, Minchens Lane.

Although not able to go up into the ancient building, they were shown enough of the interior to see where grain would have been stored, and to understand the structure and need for the staddle stones on which it stands.

The group then took a walk, led by Anne, through Bramley Frith, an ancient woodland area, and then back onto The Street and to Meadow View, where welcome refreshments were kindly provided by Gail and Ian.