Who wants to give up the long, balmy evenings of summer to be stuck in a sweaty rehearsal hall with your nose in a book learning lines?

Even the most committed of luvvies has to think twice about that sacrifice. Not to mention an audience who would prefer to be outside, rather than in a darkened theatre. One group has got the perfect solution by rehearsing and performing in the idyllic setting of Mottisfont Abbey.

The beautiful riverside gardens of this ancient abbey on the outskirts of Romsey have been ringing to the dulcet tones of one of Shakespeare's finest and wittiest comedies, The Merry Wives of Windsor, as The Maskers Theatre Company prepare for their outdoor production.

And audiences will be able to enjoy picnics and drinks as they watch the show. The Maskers production will recreate the lively atmosphere of the original performance in 1597 - with Queen Elizabeth and her nobles. You may even catch a glimpse of William Shakespeare himself!

As Falstaff (John Souter) attempts to seduce both the wives, Margaret Page (Maria Head) and Alice Ford (Hazel Burrows), his plans are thwarted as they seek humiliating revenge on this loveable rogue.

While his sidekicks Bardolph, Pistol and Nym attempt to keep up with his plots, Mistress Quickly (Jenni Watson) busies herself as a go-between bearing messages to Falstaff from the wives.

Leading man John Souter, a retired lecturer from Southampton Institute, says: "Performing outside in this idyllic setting is wonderful. It demands different skills - projection of the voice and larger-than-life expressions - especially when you are playing to a picnicking audience of over 400 people."

Performances: Wednesday, July 14 to Saturday, July 24 (except Monday, July 19)

Tickets: Wednesdays £6.50, Fridays and Saturdays £10.50, all other nights £8.50. Box office : 023 8059 5151