A STUNNING display of flowers was put on by Stockbridge residents for one of their major fund-raising events in St Peter's Church and old St Peter's.

The annual flower festival was given a Stories Of The Bible theme and the standard was very high.

One of the most inspirational displays was a floral modern day Eve by Cathy Ridley, who took the theme from the Mud Maid in Cornwall's Lost Gardens of Heligan.

She also incorporated the present campaign to save Stockbridge's village fruit, veg and fish shop from closure, with a Save Our Shop message.

Other displays included a portrayal of Joseph's Coat of Many Colours, a rainbow and green pastures.

The festival raised nearly £1,600 for the churches over its three days.

Organiser Angela McMeekin said: "Hundreds of people came into the churches and they were very impressed by what they saw."

She also praised the pianists and organists who provided background music throughout.

On 24 and 25 July 16 gardens towards the eastern end of the village will be opened to raise more money for the church.