Doorstep Green is intended to be an oasis of calm in the heart of a Southampton estate, and it could be ready by the end of this year.

The Green is emerging on an area of wasteland at the junction of Radcliffe Road and Augustine Road in Northam. The plans have been put together by the Northam Tenants and Residents' Association helped by Southampton City Council.

Chairman Mark Humphries said: "There used to be Victorian Terrace houses on the area of land until the 1970s then it was just wasteland.

"The land is roughly a third of a hectare and we intend to turn it into a park with a children's play area and picnic area.

"A green space in a concrete urban environment is just want we need to improve and transform this site.

"Northam is an area that is big on community but short of green spaces for people to sit and enjoy summer days or places for children to play in safety and stimulating environment."

The initiative is being funded by grants for £189,500 from the government's Living Spaces project, South West Trains, Siemens, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, Countryside Agency and the International Tree Foundation.

"We have drawn up the plans for the area and are going to make the park as accessible for all as we can," said Mark.

"We have consulted with disabled people as well as those from ethnic groups, as we want everyone to be able to use the park.

"All the ideas we have received, we have combined.

"The park will belong to the community, so we want it to feature their ideas."