PETTY'S Brook: The recent clearance of the brook appears to have been one of the most noticed and welcome events in Chineham lately.

Please help to keep this great Chineham asset in good condition and we can be sure that the parish council will spare no effort in keeping Thames Water on its toes in future.

PAMPERING night: Basingstoke National Childbirth Trust is holding a fundraising pampering event on Thursday, from 7pm to 10.30pm, at Christ Church.

Tickets cost £8 and include a glass of wine and two taster treatments.

FETE: Start collecting your spare cash to spend at the Four Lanes schools summer fete.

This takes place on Saturday, July 10, from 2pm to 6pm, with many of the usual attractions and the ever-popular raffle.

Contact a member of the Friends of Four Lanes or either school to buy raffle tickets or for more details.

E-MAIL: For the time being, please use to contact me for this column.