A GOOD school with strong leadership where pupils achieve well - that's the glowing description of Ludlow Infant School by Ofsted inspectors.

They spent three days at the Southampton school and found Year 2 pupils reached above average standards in reading, science, and information and communication technology.

The school in Ludlow Road was found to have improved well since the last inspection, which was carried out in 1998.

Strengths included the high teaching standards in the reception year, the moral and social development of pupils, and the team spirit between governors and teachers.

Head teacher Jeannie Gibbons said: "This report accurately reflects the hard work and commitment of the whole team and the excellent children and parents we work with and for.

"Both our chairwoman of governors, Brenda Watts, and myself are very proud."



By Year 2, pupils' achievements in reading, science, information and communication technology, music and physical education is very good.

Children in reception are given a flying start and this prepares them very well.

The strong leadership of the head teacher and her effective teamwork with senior managers and governors.

Pupils behave well and there is a happy climate for learning.

Staff strive to ensure that all pupils develop a love of learning.


In Years 1 and 2 the quality of teaching in maths is not consistently as good as teaching of reading and science.

Pupils need to be given increased opportunities to develop their writing skills across the curriculum.

Art and design and technology have not recently been developed as well as other subjects.

Attendance is below average because a minority of parents take holidays or days out during school time.


In national curriculum tests at the end of Year 2, pupils' results were average in reading and maths and below average in writing.

Inspections shows that standards are continuing to rise. They are above average in speaking, listening, reading, science, ICT, music and physical education.

Overall, pupils achieve well in Years 1 and 2.

Children in reception year achieve very well.

Pupils with special educational needs make very good progress throughout the school.


The leadership and management of the school are both good.

Senior staff set a good example by their own high-quality teaching.

Governors are committed, provide much support and are effective in helping to steer the school's direction.


Ensure that the quality of teaching in maths in Years 1 and 2 is more consistently good.

Improve opportunities for the teaching of writing across the curriculum.

Ensure that art, design and technology are developed so pupils can do well in these subjects.

Ensure that pupils' attendance improves.