TRASH or treasure: A sale of somebody's junk / treasure is being held at the Village Club, tomorrow, from 10am to noon. Admission costs 20p, and items will be priced from 10p to £10 - no jumble.

PLANT sale: The Friends of St Mary's have their annual plant sale, tomorrow, in the churchyard, from 10am until sold out.

Last year, they had a very good display of home-grown plants, so if you still have space in your garden, why not go along?

SILVER Surfers: Make a date - next Wednesday, at the Village Club, when the library's series of computer courses will run all day.

You can input your memories of the Second World War, look for your family tree, or just look at what the internet has to offer.

Details are available from Josie Norton on 298059.

OUTING to the Hawk Conservancy near Andover: Josie is organising another minibus trip on Sunday, May 23, leaving in the morning and returning at tea time.

This is a fascinating visit with regular displays of birds of prey throughout the day, many varieties of birds in large pens and displays of their preservation work. She has a few seats left, so call her soon.

BLOOD donor session: At the Fieldgate Centre, all afternoon, on Monday, May 24.

For further information, call 0845 7711711.