BASINGSTOKE Horticultural Society: The group will be holding its monthly meeting at Kempshott Village Hall on Monday, at 7.30pm .

The meeting is entitled "Herbs for the 21st Century" by Mrs F Miller. Guests are most welcome to attend.

SUMMER fayre: Aldworth Science College will be holding its fayre on Saturday, July 10.

If any individuals or companies would like to sponsor or advertise in the programme that will be sold on the door, the costs are as follows - full page £100, business card size £25, or a couple of lines £5.

If you would like to advertise, give me a call.

Also, if there are any organisations or local small businesses who would like to donate any items or have a stall at the fayre, again, contact me.

HAPPY 12th birthday: To our daughter Bryony Lawson.

TALK - Life in the Hampshire Constabulary: I spoke to a gentleman who was in the police force from 1936 to 1966 and is anxious to give a talk on the subject. So if there are any organisations, or even some schools who would be interested, please give me a call.