Saturday, May 22: This is a busy day in the village.

In the afternoon there is St Leonard's excellent plant sale, in aid of church funds. If you're donating plants or produce, please deliver them from 11am. The Lych Gate opens at 1pm, please arrive early to avoid disappointment.

In the evening, Cliddesden Players present an evening of comedy with two one-act plays, Have a Nice Day and Easy Stages at the Millennium Village Hall.

The doors and the licensed bar open at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £5, £3 for the under 16s, and are available from Betty at the Friday Night Club, or Janet on 325625.

Cliddesden Community Conservation Group: The group has been formed to progress the application to the borough council for funds to enable the planting of trees and hedgerow plants near to the M3 in order to help reduce noise and pollution levels.

The group is open to all who have a connection with Cliddesden. You may not live in the village, but work or walk here or live in a nearby village and feel you'd like to be involved. The idea is to involve the community at large.

The project has already won approval from the parish council and has been backed by a £500 grant. If you're interested in joining, you would be most welcome. Contact Alison Kay on alison for more details.