CAR boot: A big thank you to all the people who helped out at the Melrose car boots at the weekend.

POPLEY Health Walk: The walks are still going strong, and start at 11am every Friday, from Popley Fields Centre, Carpenters Down.

While going strong, there is always room for more people, regardless of ability. Everyone can join in for a pleasant walk, gain new friends and get healthier, so please come along.

For further information, please call Jane Wilding on 01256 845574 or Marilyn Davies on 01256 845630.

DON'T forget: The Popley Festival, at John Hunt of Everest Community School, is on Sunday, May 16. More details to follow.

NEWS: As always, the number above is available for you to use if you would like to include your organisation's or club's news in the village column.