PAMBER Heath Village Hall management committee: At the recent AGM of the hall management committee, the existing committee was re-elected.

There was only the committee and one member of the village present at a meeting that should have been of interest to all in the village.

The committee does need feedback from the local community, and always welcomes anyone who would like to become a committee member.

Contact me if you are interested.

PAMBER Heath Beaver Scouts: The pack has five lads who have achieved the highest award a Beaver Scout can gain - the chief Scout's Bronze Award.

Many congratulations to William Molton, Sam Mott, Jacob Thurley, Barnaby Sleat and Chris McGee (who received his at the end of last year).

Each Beaver Scout decides, with his parents, what he would like to do, then must show good improvement in a space of six weeks. I think they deserve our congratulatons for their efforts!

PAMBER Parish Council's annual parish meeting is on Monday, at St Stephen's Hall, Little London, starting at 8pm.

CHARITY dance: On Saturday, May 15, at Pamber Heath Village Hall, ballroom and Latin American dancing from 8pm.

Tickets cost £6 each including buffet supper, and are available from 0118 9811658.