ADULT education classes: Some more classes, which have just started at the Vyne school, include hand-made cards, dance, fitness and health, pilates, a rehab class, salsa and Latin American dancing, floristry improvers and motorcycle maintenance.

For more information, contact The Vyne Community School on 01256 407037.

COMMUNITY wardens: A reminder you can contact our wardens Paula and Richard on 01256 845508.

CONTACT numbers: For councillors and other representatives for Oakridge and South View are as follows: borough councillors - Laura James 01256 322108, George Hood 359917, Paul Harvey 419841; county councillor - Jane Frankum 818924; Sentinel Housing 338800, and police beat office 405286.

NORDEN councillors: The next Saturday surgery is on May 15, at Oakridge Methodist Church, starting at 11.30am.

CONGRATULATIONS: To Mary Brian, who has just been elected chairwoman of the Norden Community Association's management committee of the Oakridge Hall For All.

As well as a few remaining members of the old committee there is also some new blood, and we can expect great things from them.

However, the committee needs a treasurer and secretary. If you are interested, contact Julia Roffey on 01256 475844.