CONGRATULATIONS: Oakley's village magazine has won the Parish/Village magazine section of the Community Newsletter Awards 2003.

Link magazine has twice come second in the competition, which is run annually by the Hampshire Chronicle.

The judges were particularly impressed that most of the advertising was placed by local businesses.

BOTTLE bank: The bank at the Barley Mow has been removed at the request of the owners, but the parish council is to ask them to reconsider as there is no other suitable site in the centre of the village.

The nearest alternative recycling bank is in Beach Park in Station Road.

PARISH council meeting: The AGM will take place on Thursday. The agenda will include the election of the chairman and vice-chairman, the composition of working parties, and the appointment of representatives to the committees of village organisations. The public session will start at 7.50pm, with the AGM at 8pm.

DRIVERS needed: Oakley and Wootton Voluntary Community Care Association is desperately short of drivers to take villagers to the surgery, dentist, chiropodist or hospital. If you can help, please call 781660.

VACANCIES: A litter warden and two cleaners are still required. For more details, please contact the parish clerk on 780886.