CYCLE training: This began recently, and will be going to road locations at Hyacinth/Hollyhock Close, so please be careful when driving your car in these areas.

SUMMER fayre: Aldworth Science College will be holding its fayre on July 10.

If any companies or individuals would like to either sponsor or advertise in the programme that will be sold on the door, the costs are as follows - full page £100, business-card size £25, or a couple of lines £5. If you would like to advertise give me a call.

Also, if there are any organisations or local small businesses who would like to donate any items or have a stall at the fayre, call me.

BASINGSTOKE Horticultural Society: Next meeting is at Kempshott Village Hall on Monday, May 17, at 7.30pm. Guests are most welcome.

NEWS: If any organisations would like to pass on details of their events to me, I will endeavour to put them in this column.