RED Cross: The medical loan depot has reopened, as residents may have noticed.

The service has a room in the new Gillies Health Centre, at the side facing Sullivan Road. Opening hours are from 10am to noon, Monday to Friday.

The Red Cross loan service includes the loan of items such as wheelchairs, walking frames, crutches, bath seats, toilet seats, bed pans and urinal bottles.

Letters are needed from doctors or physios to borrow equipment and it is necessary to complete the relevant Red Cross form.

No charge is made for the service, though donations for the hospice are appreciated.

There is also the opportunity to buy aids to help daily living.

DENNIS Padwick: Dennis wishes to advise readers that he gives talks based on his service in the Hampshire police force.

An ex-Superintendent of Hampshire Constabulary, his talk is entitled "Basingstoke and back again". He describes life with Hampshire police from 1936 to 1966.

Dennis has spoken to many organisations and clubs in Hampshire and beyond.

He retired from the police several years ago and, being an older person, prefers to attend meetings when it is light.

You can contact him at 26 Westdeane Court, Worting Road, Basingstoke, RG21 8SX, or telephone 01256 465295.