
4 large red tomatoes

large onion, chopped

200g cooked long grain rice

1tsp cinnamon 4tbsp fresh basil, chopped

50g pine nuts 100g currants extra virgin olive oil

2 fresh avocado pears, peeled and sliced

Lemon juice

Salt and pepper

1Pre-heat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Slice off the top of the tomatoes and scoop out the flesh.

2Fry the onion gently in oil until soft. Add the rice, cinnamon and the scooped out tomato flesh. Leave uncovered and simmer until dry.

3Stir in the basil, pine nuts and currants. If preferred, substitute the pine nuts and currants with tinned tuna or shrimps.

4Fill the tomatoes with the mixture. Arrange the avocado slices, and squeeze on some lemon juice. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and put in a hot oven for a few minutes.

Serve hot, serves 4.

Venika Kingsland