JUMBLE sales: There is no sale tomorrow, but on Saturday, April 17, Oakley and Deane WI is holding a sale in East Oakley Village Hall.

The sale starts at 2pm, and there will be a raffle and a tombola.

Jumble can be left at the hall after 10am, or if you need donations to be collected, please call 781541 or 780535.

NEWFOUND sports pavilion: This is nearly complete. Once the gas is connected, the old building will be demolished and the temporary building will be moved to Bramley FC.

The plan is for the new pavilion to be fitted out ready for the start of the cricket season.

The official opening is scheduled for early May, with an open morning soon afterwards, so that everyone can come to see this new village facility.

The parish council is looking for a cleaner to look after the new pavilion for about four hours per week. For further details, contact the parish clerk on 780886.

VILLAGE Design Statement: The parish council has approved the text of the VDS and wishes to thank all the members of the hard-working team.

OAKLEY Woodlands Group: The group will meet on Wednesday and Saturday, April 14 and 17, in St John's Copse for further work parties.

Refreshments and tools are provided for these sessions, which start at 10am and finish at 1pm.