A SERIES of weekly Health Walks was launched last week with nearly 100 people joining the Mayor of Test Valley, Cllr Pat West, to take part.

The walks will give residents the chance to take exercise suitable for their needs in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

The project is a joint venture between Valley Leisure and Mid-Hants Primary Care Trust - who have funded the project - and Test Valley Borough Council's environment and health service, which is managing the project.

Walks are led by volunteer leaders - members of the public who have expressed an interest in this type of community activity and who have been suitably trained.

Environment and health promotions office Louisa Rice said: "Walking is a simple and effective type of exercise that can help to build a healthy heart, strengthen bones, reduce stress, help control weight and improve general well- being.

"It is also a good way to meet new people."

The Health Walks programme offers a series of organised walks to encourage people to get more active, particularly those who need to increase their exercise gently or are recovering from an illness.

The walks are free and designed to help people of all ages, fitness and experience.

The launch took in the Anton Lakes Walk, which is about 2.5 miles long and includes some of the beautiful areas of Andover around the lakes, as well as some of the less frequented paths and pavements, on a circular route that starts and ends at Andover Leisure Centre.

A similar scheme was launched in Romsey in September and has proved to be a great success.

Not only have walkers increased their amount of exercise, and so felt physically fitter, they have also enjoyed the social aspect and the feeling of general well-being. There will be weekly Health Walks every Tuesday starting from the leisure centre at 11am.

For further information contact Louisa Rice on 01794 527921 or visit www.whi.org.uk.