FRIENDS of St Mary's Church, Old Basing: The 2004 programme has yet to be finalised.

There are, however, many functions coming up.

The jazz night at the Millstone pub looks good along with the trip to Osborne House on the Isle of Wight.

There is a secret however. If you join the Friends club you can get in quicker than most people. It costs £10 for an individual and £15 for family membership.

Either call Max on 817259 or pop an envelope with your subscription into his letterbox at 1 Burton Gardens.

ST MARY'S Festival: The second planning meeting is on Monday, in the parish rooms, at 8pm.

This is a well organised and fun-packed week. But, you must start those works of art to have them ready for July 3.

The gardens are also an important feature of the festival. Irene Allaway does an excellent feature in the Basinga about gardening.

Fay Farrant, the co-ordinator, would love to hear from you, she is on 476863.

VILLAGE show: Suggestions are needed to vary the classes in this year's show, which is still way off, but these things need planning.

The schedules are yet to be finalised but you may feel that there should be something a little different.

Christ Beadle, from 13 Harvest Way, and Jeff Owen, of 12 Linden Avenue, are among the many organisers. Contact them if you have any ideas.

CLEARWELL: Few people are aware that the stream opposite the church alongside Clearwell Cottage was a public watering amenity, where there used to be a cup so that you could drink the crystal clear water.

This spring water was used in the font in the church to christen babies.

Following concerns from a resident, I have checked with the north Hampshire footpaths officer, who told me that this is not a footpath but was a public amenity afforded by the then resident of Clearwell Cottage.

Where does the spring water come from?

Another unknown fact: The junction on the corner of Crown Lane and The Street was called Slaughter Corner.

Apparently there used to be a slaughter house there.

DELEGATED authority: George Kirk will soon be standing in for me with this column. He can be reached on 01256 323868 or