HURST Community College: There is a vast range of different courses and activities to keep you occupied during the winter months at The Hurst Community College, such as a new Introduction to Counselling course.

Details of all courses and activities are in the new Hurst Centre brochure, or by calling 0118 9811611 or 0118 9812918.

DO you want to quit smoking? Have you heard of the Quit Smoking Service?

It is a free, NHS service for people in this area who want to stop smoking. Advisers provide you with positive support, encouragement and, through your GP, ensure you have the correct medication to enable you to stop.

A clinic started at Tadley Swimming Pool community room on January 8. For more details, call Terry or Justine on 0845 602 4663.

Also, Tadley now has a "Stop-Smoking" pharmacy, and Heather Pande will be pleased to advise anyone either calling in at the Holmwood Pharmacy or on 0118 9811984.

ADVANCE notice: "Getting Nowhere Fast" with Martin Strutter at Heath End Hall on March 6.