The eyes of Rotherwick are upon you... a special new year message from Rotherwick Neighbourhood Watch's Bob Burgess, who thanks the many vigilant eyes around the village.

Recently, several possible burglaries have been thwarted by reports of suspicious vehicles cruising for target houses.

Members' observations were so accurate that the police were able to warn known offenders that Rotherwick had rumbled them! Keep up the good work.

We have 151 households registered for the scheme, which permits a discount on home insurance policies, but more are always needed.

Further information and LAIR (Local Area Incident Report) forms are available from Bob on 763764.

NEW Year sadness... Rotherwick church was packed recently for the funeral of Barbara Chitty, who was taken ill on Christmas Eve and passed away just after New Year.

Barbara was a familiar face around the village and will be sorely missed by many, not least by husband Jack and family who are still coming to terms with her loss.

Their children gathered together for the Christmas holidays - happy memories must help sustain them through this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all.

JOLLY hockey sticks... will be the order of the day at Whitewater School this term, as we welcome Dave Walton from Basingstoke Hockey Club, who will be teaching our senior school students the rudiments of the game on Monday afternoons.

He has also kindly offered to let the juniors have a go as part of their newly-introduced Discovery Hour.

If anyone else has a skill which they would be happy to share with our children, then do let the school office know.