RAMBLING: Starts at 10.30am on Tuesday, with Tony Stoney meeting you all at the first lay-by in Kennet Way, Oakley.

The route takes in a few pubs on the way and is about five miles. You should stagger to the finishing line by about 1pm. Call Tony, of the North

Hampshire Downs Ramblers Group, on 479951.

HACKING: On Thursday, in the church grounds, at 2pm. Wear warm clothing. For more details, call Fay on 476863.

QUIZ night success: Vicky Rice's quiz night was really successful, but still has a long way to go to raise £3,000 for her Tanzanian trip.

Vicky is not doing this for her own benefit - it is for young orphans and provides vital assistance in community-led projects.

Donations are more than welcome. If you can spare the odd fiver, contact Sandy Rice on 477637 or put it through the door at 16b Pyotts Hill.

DELEGATED authority: Due to personal reasons I won't be available to do the news for a couple of weeks, so George Kirk is standing in. He is on 01256 323868.