HEALTH centre: News this week about the opening of the rebuilt health centre in Brighton Hill.

When walking by, you can see the building taking shape, with tiles in place on the roof and the windows installed.

The practice manager explained that he has been in touch with the contractors, Ashley House, and the revised occupation date is Tuesday, April 6.

Patients will be using the temporary building up to, and including, Friday, April 2. The move into the new health centre will go ahead during the following weekend.

Monday, April 5 will also be used for preparing the completely renovated health centre for opening on April 6, when patients will begin arriving at the new building.

We look forward to celebrating the opening of our new health centre in Brighton Hill on April 6.

THE Dome Mother and Toddler Group: The group is doing well, after the Christmas break.

Additional mothers and children, from birth to five years old, are welcome, and the group meets on Fridays, from 10am until noon.

ANOTHER group: the Church of Christ the King, meets on Fridays, for mothers expecting new babies or mums with babies under 12 months. The sessions begin at 12.15pm.