FILM and supper evening: A last reminder for this event in Cross House on Monday, January 19, starting with a supper at 7.30pm followed by four films from the Geoff Wheeler Film Archives.

PARISH council: At the December meeting, the vacancy left by the resignation of Cllr Owen Price was filled.

Mr Hugh Tottenham was the sole applicant and was appointed unanimously.

There was a request for a start-up donation from the proposed youth club. As there was only one representative at the meeting, the chairman suggested waiting until a discussion could be held with all representatives.

A new Stratfield Saye estate manager had been in contact concerning the trees and pond on Bramley Green.

Environmental problems resulting in flooding near the church car park and the broken seat are in hand.

The council will meet again on Monday, January 19, at 7.30pm in the village hall.

NATIONAL Women's Register: It was a full house at Brook Cottage, Little London, for the December meeting.

Contact 850642 or my number above for details of this year's programme.

VALENTINE'S events: There is a '70s Valentine disco at the village hall on February 13. Tickets cost £5 from Emma on 883204.

On February 14, there is a Valentine evening at Cross House, with a meal and a pianist. Tickets cost £8.50, available from 882537 or 881373.