SUBSCRIPTIONS: If you haven't paid your legion subscriptions by now, you will soon be too late.

The closing date is January 30. After this date, non-renewals are sent back to the legion headquarters at Pall Mall.

If you were a member you will have to go through the whole rejoining process to reinstate yourself as a member.

Pop into the club and sort it as soon as possible before it is too late.

ADVERTISING: Space is limited in our parish magazine Basinga. At the present time there are 63 tradesmen who reach 3,150 homes in and around the parish.

There are one or two places left for trade advertising. So, if you want to see your trade name in print, contact Peter Watson on 352299.

TANZANIA: One of our local ladies is deeply involved in raising funds for a charity in connection with an orphanage for Cross Colonial Solutions.

Vicky Rice is to spend two months with the Tanzania Volunteer Programme starting on March 13.

Vicky is more than aware that to get money you have to earn it, so on Saturday she is holding a quiz night.

It costs £3 per person with teams of four or six. You can drink and eat as much as you like but you have to provide your own.

If you want to know any more, call Vicky's mother, Sandy Rice on 477637.

Please support her in her very worthwhile venture.

VILLAGE show: Last year, it was a resounding success.

If you want to relive those very special moments, you can on Tuesday in the parish rooms.

Tickets cost £3 each and include a glass of wine. The slide show also includes items from last year's flower festival and the open village gardens.

TALK: For just £1 you can enjoy the delights of a talk on aerial photography by John Dykes. It is all happening at 7.30pm on Tuesday, January 13, in the tea rooms at Basing House.

For more information, contact Helen on 477618.