HAPPY New Year to you all.

UPDATES: We start the year awaiting updates on the work being carried out on the Oakridge Regeneration.

Shopkeepers have been advised that their new shops will be ready for occupation in April. I will try to keep you informed.

NEXT Norden ward surgery: Saturday, January 17, at Oakridge Methodist Church, from 11.30am until 12.30pm.

Those people who have attended found that, in most cases, they were given answers to their problems and were satisfied with what they heard.

WARDENS: The new community wardens start this month.

They will be concerning themselves with street cleaning and many other matters. They are there for you.

To contact them, speak to the borough council on 01256 844844, any of your local councillors, or the Oakridge Hall For All on 01256 475844.

While talking about the Oakridge Hall, there is lots happening there, starting with a coffee morning today, the launch of the community suite, a ladies night, and lots more.

Why not call Julia Roffey, the centre development worker on 01256 475844, who will update you on forthcoming events.

REMINDER: To all residents, in particular senior citizens and the disabled, do not let anyone into your home unless you are satisfied that they have some form of identification, which all borough council employees and those from Sentinel carry.

If you are not satisfied, call the council on 01256 844844 or Sentinel Housing on 01256 338800.